Hebrew Alignment [CH-Vox]


Now that we know more! It is important that as an English reader, reading the English Translation, of the "Bible" (For that matter any translation!),  we have to shift away from a very traditional notion that the WORD OF GOD is the 'English' Bible! While we are thankful that the English Bible has become a perpetual best seller in our time, the depth of understanding must come from:

a.  Language (Hebrew being the Primary text of the Torah, Prophets & Writings)
b.  History
c.  Context

Translations can never truly give you a 3-D picture of the details, at best - a black-&-white version of the big picture. While we seek the truth in greater detail in this Time & Season, it is hoped that this Blog-page Effort will help the English Reader to appreciate an aligned, to see Scripture in true color & glory - and most important, to be amazed by our Father - Yehovah himself!
We can appreciate how the translators saw what we also see, i.e. the literal and unambiguous meaning, but struggled with how to best translate the intricacies of Hebrew for the greatest benefit of their readers. They sought to keep two very important factors in balance: the accuracy of the text translated, and its readability. To find an equivalent to Hebrew in another language is not always easy and sometimes not possible. Therefore, the translators used the "Dynamic Equivalence Method" – that is, instead of translating word-for-word, they translated thought-for-thought. Some English language translations adopt this method even when it is possible to translate word-for-word, preferring the increased readability (with essential meaning preserved) to a more literal translation (with original wording preserved). Often it is very helpful to see a literal translation in order to appreciate that the vast majority of Bible translations, such as the one above (NJPS), use dynamic equivalence rather than a strictly literal method of translation. It is important to keep in mind that a more literal translation is not necessarily more faithful. Meaning can be diluted and easily lost by preserving obscure grammatical structures of another language. Nevertheless, reading a text translated from Hebrew literally can enrich our understanding of the text (especially if we know some Hebrew). This practice always safeguards us from thinking that translations are free from interpretive errors and can be trusted uncritically.
Lizorkin-Eyzenberg, Eli. The Hidden Story of Jacob: What We Can See in Hebrew That We Cannot See in English (Kindle Locations 75-88). Kindle Edition. 
Creating this awareness, for those who see this as an exciting journey, will be very keen on picking up Biblical Hebrew - that's great! But not all of us are great at picking up a language... especially one that is written from Right to Left (Back-wards) vis-a-vis Left to Right in English!

Many do fear the 'unknown' ... Asking - What happens if I find something that shakes my Understanding about God? While that is true. I would urge the reader to face the all impart question: Why did our God(Elohim) chose to interact with a select people called the Hebrews and use this particular language - HEBREW - to record & preserve the core foundation of our Scriptures? The great insight is - HEBREW - must hold the key to it's beauty as a language and simple transmission of meaning that is another amazing gift to man kind!

 Jesus read the Torah and Prophets in Hebrew and He changed History forever!

We wish to encourage the English Reader that you already can have access to all the text in English and have the big picture already... Now is the time to fill in the colors and to see everything is 3D and BE ENLIGHTENED!


Hebrew Alignment(Vox): REST! "Shabbat"

Key Word: - Shabbat שָׁבַת The word is generally used as "rest" (noun or verb), a better rendering (translation) would be ...