Hebrew Alignment(Vox): YeHoVaH Yireh (Yehovah will see!)

Key Word: - YeHoVaH Yireh (יהוה יראה)
YeHoVaH will see

After the angel of YeHoVaH stops Abraham from sacrificing his son, Abraham "sees" a ram caught in a thicket and offers it up as a sacrifice in place of Isaac.

Then Abraham names that sacred place YeHoVaH Yireh (יהוה יראה) = “YeHoVaH will see.” Do we question why? What exactly will YeHoVaH see?

Today, that same site is on - around / about the Temple Mount! In Jerusalem! Was not Yeshua(Jesus) sacrifice on the Cross what YeHoVaH is to witness for our sake? Wow...


Adapted from:
Israel Bible Centre - Learn Biblical Hebrew online

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Hebrew Alignment(Vox): REST! "Shabbat"

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